
All recommended solutions are arrived at after in-depth discovery, planning and design.  Our team of specialised experts work with you to understand your business goals, purpose, objectives and processes.  We aim to enhance technology to help you get more out of what you have.

Technology Strategy

Get the best out of your business by aligning your business IT with your business goals and objectives.  By defining the principles and standards necessary for your technology, you will prevent staff burnout, budget blowouts, and disappointing results.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Our goal is to help you to develop technology plans which focus on achieving the outcomes you desire.

Eric Donn, Technology Consultant
Cyber Security

The IT industry has changed.  Security threats are escalating at a much higher rate.  IT professionals must embrace a high rate of change and exponential increase of threats, while remaining true to the core principles of the profession.

Cyber security requires a vastly different mindset from that which 99% of IT technicians and engineers possess.  It requires understanding the mind-set of cyber criminals, and the core principles of security, together with predictive monitoring techniques and response systems.  Most IT teams and their clients want technology to be frictionless.  They often take shortcuts or ignore security completely.  This attitude is 180 degrees away from the thinking of security professionals, and explains why businesses get hacked.

Every IT role now is a cybersecurity role.  If every member of your IT support team is not security focused, it’s time to talk to us.

Deb Donnell, Consultant
System Management

One of our core principles is to “Act on the Indicator, not the Incident.”

Professional system management encompasses proactive maintenance, real-time and predictive monitoring.  This allows preventative mitigation today, in order to prevent the incidents of tomorrow.  We have a number of development partners around the world, who we work closely with to design our unique predictive technology.

As well as monitoring for threats, VIE also prompts users to carry out minor maintenance to help prolong the life of business assets. 

VIE - Virtual Integrated Engineer
System Management Sabre IT
Zero Downtime

Providing clients with a Zero Downtime Managed System is the cornerstone of our deliverables.  The outcome is zero outages, zero security breaches, and zero loss of data and email.  Rather than fixing things when they break, we continually preempt and predict the consequences of indicators. 

Given the sheer amount of data to be analysed, this can only be achieved with the use of prediction machines and prediction analytics.  We have built our own unique platform, NEWTON, to ensure the systems we manage never go down.

Our Intelligent Automation (IA) and prediction machine technology analyses millions of pieces of technical data on a daily basis, to predict and eliminate 99% of issues.

NEWTON, IA / Prediction Machine
Insider Threat Detection

60% of data breaches come from insider threats. Proactive monitoring is critical to protect your business.  Our detection software is AI powered.  It monitors user behaviour and detects changes in behaviour patterns.  It records activity that is outside the norm, providing evidence of insider breaches and compliance failures.  This allows follow up with 100% confidence.

Sabre IT | Veriato Partner

Today’s most damaging security threats are not originating from malicious outsiders or malware but from trusted insiders – both malicious insiders and negligent insiders.

Security risks need to be managed.  However, you cannot manage what you do not actively monitor and maintain to the latest standards.

Steve Baker, Head of Systems
Cloud Security & Advisory

The earliest versions of cloud services were bulletin boards, online banking, and email.  However, today people are relying heavily on cloud services to store and manage their data.  It is important to understand the risks and rewards, before moving into the cloud.  You need to know who and what has access to your data (legally or otherwise), whether being in the cloud increases or decreases your business risk profile, as well as identifying what those risk are.

Our advisory service allows businesses to objectively assess the risks, rewards, and costs, so that you can make an informed decision.  If you do decide to use a cloud service, our technology manages your experience, particularly around access, backup, monitoring, and security.  If you choose to stay out of the cloud, we have solutions and technology to help you.  

Project Management

Project management is about getting things done on time, to the desired standard.  You cannot manage what you do not understand.  Therefore effective project management relies on understanding technology principles and standards, as well as the management of people and processes.  Sabre IT works with experienced professionals who understand the technology they supply, as well as how things fit together.  This enables us to proactively plan and manage your projects, and meet agreed deadlines.

“Technology is dominated by two types of people, those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand.”

Sabre IT bridges the gap by providing continuity from management to technical.

Technology Supplier Management

We manage your other technology suppliers, serving as a single point of contact for all technology activity.  This eliminates the headache of you having to understand “geek speak” and ensures that any issues are attended to immediately, eliminating delays, and providing clear lines of communication and accountability.  

Let our experience be your guide 

Optimise Your Investment in Technology Solutions

Committed to helping our clients succeed

Other Solutions


Securely host and filter your email, backup, replicate, protect, or set-up on-premise email servers.


Protect your data and databases with our offsite and onsite 3-2-1 backup and replication solutions.

DNS management

We are specialists at all aspects of Domain Name System Management, including mail exchanges.


For your hardware, software, and other technology needs, talk to us. Finance available.

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