Essential Business Covid-19 Alert Level 4
Sabre IT is classified as an essential businesses Covid-19 New Zealand Government Alert Level 4.
We are able to operate as part of the supply chain for essential businesses. Therefore we are able to continue to supply critical products and services to essential businesses. As per changes announced by the New Zealand Government on 30 March 2020, we can also supply essential services and products to the public to ensure people can continue to work from home, do distance learning, or connect with other people online.
Consequently, we can supply computer and internet hardware, power backup units, and remote access, cyber security, employee monitoring and other essential software.
How Sabre IT Supplies Products and Services
- Firstly, phone us on 03 351 4100 or 021 548 411. Alternatively, email us via our contact form.
- Next, we consult with you to understand your needs, and what essential solutions we can provide.
- If we need to access your system, we can do so by secure remote access.
- All payments are able to be processed through contactless methods.
- Delivery of physical goods will only be through contactless courier.
- Delivery of services will only be through secure remote access.
- Our team are working remotely in their own homes, through secure VPN.
- We will only visit your premises if a situation is critical and we cannot resolve it remotely. This is no different to how we have been working with clients for the past decade.
- Where any on-site visit is required, the team member will ensure that all appropriate public health measures are taken to protect themselves and the client. They are supplied with appropriate personal protective equipment, including masks, gloves, and santisers.
- MBIE have been notified that we meet the conditions of Essential Business Covid-19 Alert Level 4. Sabre IT have received confirmation that we can operate as an Essential Business providing services and selling essential goods to other essential businesses and the public during the lock down period.